Lucrative Ecommerce For Small Business: Why Not?

ecommerce for small business

Since Covid happened, many businesses have realized the importance of an agile structure to better adapt to future unknowns. Ecommerce for small business has been the forefront option to solve the overloaded supply chain problem.

e-commerce trend

Also, data points out the potential of eCommerce when expected to increase 2.5% of the world’s total retail sales growth in 2022. Chances are, small businesses should quickly deep dive into eCommerce to not miss out on the opportunity when it comes so big.

Why Ecommerce Is The Win-Win Option For Small Businesses

ecommerce solutions for small business

A New Growth Opportunity

The lockdown is almost over everywhere globally, but it has powerfully convinced people to switch the traditional buying habit to digital. Brick-and-mortar stores not only have to reduce in quantity but also see a reluctant drop in sales monthly.

It’s because the demand has changed. People now want to receive the package delivered right to their doors to open their mysterious boxes like presents, etc. Time changes, people change.

And businesses should always prepare to deal with unprecedented changes at the right time or the opportunity’s lost. A costly lesson of being innovative or being extinct, Nokia is a great example. To change is to expose your business to a new market that which it might excel.

Boost Sales Fast

Ecommerce allows small businesses the chance to be seen better. You can upload your products, and anyone can see them. You can run tasks for it to appear top of search results. Or you can run retargeting ads to effectively and cost-efficiently remind your customer to take that simple action.

small business ecommerce

An online store can help you maximize profits by opening 24/7, easier to get refers via social media as they can now tag you, see your promotions, and make orders instantly. Many businesses operating around eCommerce can give you a helping hand, like delivery companies with their expertise to safely carry your products to customers in no time.

Reduce Cost

No more cost of pricey monthly leasing, no more enormous loans from the bank from the beginning, no need to think of buying a property, no need to research the areas to find the best store location, no need to plan the parking lot…


If you decide to go with dropshipping, you can further cut inventory and operation costs. And of course, as many phases can be taken automatically on the systems, you can save up on labors costs.

Yep, those are the costly hassles that you can pass out on with eCommerce.

How To Start Ecommerce For Small Business?

Here are the basic steps to start with eCommerce.

Decisions On Your Offerings

For current small business owners, you already have options, but for start-ups, you can choose the offerings that you have advantages in producing and competing.

ecommerce small business ideas

Or you can join a credible distribution network, to earn excellent commission while fulfilling just the good demand in your local. You can even acquire both methods to leverage profits with cross-selling and upselling.

Acquiring Business Legal Permits And Financial Scheme

First thing first, be sure to register for your Business Legal Entity and complete other licenses and permits depending on your local law. Small businesses are usually recommended with LLC or solely private-owned for the ease of legal requirements and taxes.

license to start a business online

Next, experts strongly advise you to open a separate banking account for your business, along with a highly accredited accounting system right from the beginning. You should look for reviews from other business owners uniquely to your industry about these issues.

Choose An Ecommerce Platform

Because eCommerce websites are more complex in storefront structure and administration panel, you should use a specially designed platform to build up your online store. Three main types of eCommerce platforms are marketplaces, SaaS and PaaS, and on-premise platforms.

ecommerce platforms for small business

If you are ambitious small business owners who want to grow bigger and even go international, set your store on a powerfully performed, easily scalable platform like Magento so that you won’t need to pay for website and data transition later on.

Build Your Online Store

It’s the addiction to mobile devices that leads to the fact that mobile shoppers are the main customers of B2C eCommerce. Therefore, website development nowadays should intensely focus on the app or hybrid app development and responsive features.

Spending a reasonable budget on web design services is another wise move. How a store looks and feels can greatly influence visitors’ trust as well as buying intention. No one would dare to put money on a shabby, scammy-looking website that seems like the owner hastily built up.

And it’s been two decades into the Information Age, and things work globally now. Many small businesses outsource their eCommerce development overseas, in low-labor-cost countries to be specific, to enjoyingly pay for top-rated quality websites and apps at a stealing price.

how to build ecommerce websites for small businesses

In case you’re wondering where to find a reliable eCommerce development company to outsource, Tigren is one of the names you can consider. We had worked with hundreds of eCommerce businesses across the globe and heard their positive feedback with a steady rise in their ROI. We exceeded the competition to be the world-leading provider with dedicated services and ongoing benefits.

Launching And Promotions

Every website must undergo a strict test before launching. However, it still needs more observations in case of bugs or spam. You might also need technical support with managing an eCommerce website initially. This is when after-service support is valuable and vital, even more so in the long term.


One great perk of the digital world is that you can run particular ad types to effectively chase down prospects such as SEM, retargeting ads, and display ads. At the same time, being exposed to a larger group also allows you to learn great insight about your customers and visitors through analytics systems.


Ecommerce is firmly making its way into people’s lives. With all that being said, we believe eCommerce would be a lucrative trend for many years to come and that every business, even brick-and-mortar ones, should adopt it to boost their growth and gain the ability to be agile in uncertain times.

Also, it’s our firm belief that eCommerce services should be affordable for anyone who has a great dream of building a business on their own. That’s why Tigren is here to help. We proudly present you with our reasonable but high-quality development packages, with full-stack services for upgrade, maintenance, and optimization. 

You will be closely looked after with our free 3-12 month after-service support, so if you’re interested, drop us a message!

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