Magento 2 Custom Address
- Effective on Checkout & Address Book
- Autocomplete and dropdown suggestion
- Subdistrict field added
- Optimized billing address position
- High address accuracy
- API independence
What Problems Does Magento 2 Custom Address Extension Solve?
Before knowing why using Magento 2 Address Autocomplete is a must, can you guess the average rate of Shopping Cart Abandonment for eCommerce stores? According to Baymard Institute's survey, this rate is astonishing... nearly 70%!!! Not yet, one of the primary causes of this alarming abandonment rate is the complicated checkout process.
Although Magento 2 has already tried to streamline its checkout flow, it might still dissatisfy the customers with at least 5 required fields of the shipping address on the checkout page. Actually, some people don't mind completing these fields when they use desktops/ laptops but feel very uncomfortable using their mobiles or tablets.
The Magento 2 Address Autocomplete Extension was born to help the Magento store owners "address" this issue by simplifying the existing checkout process. Instead of filling all of the shipping information one by one, now the shoppers just need to add their "Street Address" and enter only ONE of the remaining fields with address suggestions, and then all of them will be auto-filled in a flash.
As a result, it takes... just a few seconds to complete the mandatory shipping address fields on the checkout. Your customers will definitely love this function and more importantly, are more willing to complete their purchases.
This Is How It Does
On the Checkout page, after the buyers enter their Street Address on the Shipping Address section, there are 4 fields left: Subdistrict, City, State/ Province, and Zip/ Postal Code. Next, they need just to type one of the remaining required fields and select one of the address suggestions. Then, all four address fields will be auto-filled instantly.
For example, when the user types "Bangkok" on the State/ Province field, the Custom Address Extension for Magento 2 will suggest a list of related addresses (containing 4 components, namely Subdistrict, City, State/ Province as "Bangkok" and Zip/ Postal Code). Once a proper address is chosen, the remaining fields Subdistrict, State/ Province, and Zip/ Postal Code will be auto-filled right away.
Besides the checkout page, the customers can enjoy the same function when adding their addresses into the Address Book (My Account).

The admin can decide whether to show the suggested addresses in the Dropdown for the customers to select without typing or to display the suggestions based on the typing of the users (Autocomplete). However, the flows of these types are pretty different.
For the Autocomplete, as we have mentioned, the users can enter a random field among Subdistrict, City, State/ Province and Zip/ Postal Code, and the remaining will be auto-filled very quickly.
For the Drop-down, the buyers have to select the suggestions in order: State/ Province => City => Subdistrict => Zip/ Postal code. Let's say, firstly, they select the State/ Province as "Bangkok". After that, the list of suggested cities in the City will be narrowed down to those belonging to "Bangkok" only. Similarly, once the users choose the city, it will show the Subdistrict correspondingly. Finally, after opting for the subdistrict, the Zip/ Postal code will be auto-filled without drop-down suggestions.
These suggestion types are beneficial for the users and shorten the time for completing the shipping address information. Depending on your favourite that you can choose an appropriate type of display.
To begin with, Subdistrict is a lower-level administrative division of a District. In fact, not all but many countries in the world have Subdistricts, for example, England & Wales, China, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Israel, Bangladesh, East Timor, etc.
By adding the Subdistrict field into the Checkout Shipping Address section, the Address Autocomplete Extension for Magento 2 contributes to helping the store get more specific addresses of the buyers.

On Magento 2 default checkout page, there are two steps: Shipping and Review & Payments. In the first step, you need to fill in the Shipping Address and choose the Shipping Method. In the second step, you have to select the Payment Method and set your Billing Address. If your shipping address and your billing address are the same, you just need to mark on the checkbox next to "My billing and shipping address are the same". However, if those addresses are different, you have to provide another address for billing. You have to choose, once again, from Street Address, City, State/ Province, to Zip/ Postal Code.
By using our Magento Address Autocomplete Extension, the billing address field is re-arranged for more convenience. Specifically, the customers can set their Billing Address right on the first step, which means on the Shipping Address section. This means that they just need to select the Payment Method and review the order in the second step without doing anything related to the addresses. In short, the module helps to arrange both Shipping and Billing addresses in one place/ step instead of separating them into two different steps of Magento 2 default.
Magento 2 Address Autocomplete vs Google Address Autocomplete
When it comes to the Address Autocomplete for Magento 2, there are quite a lot of extensions on the marketplace. As you might know, most of them integrate Google Places API with Magento 2 checkout in order to perform the autocomplete function. When the customers are typing their Street Address, they will be suggested to choose among some addresses taken via API. After selecting a specific address, other fields will be auto-filled.
From the buyers' perspective, our Magento 2 Custom Address Extension and other Magento 2 Google Address Autocomplete Extensions are similar.
But from the store owner side, these two extensions are very different in terms of API Independence, Accuracy, and Cost:
API Independence

The Google Address Autocomplete Extensions for Magento 2 are 100% dependent on the Google API to get and show the address suggestions for the customers. However, the Google API changes quite often, so the developers might need to update their extensions regularly to adapt to those changes. Because of that, the store owners also need to follow the module updates frequently and get the latest versions timely for their stores. Otherwise, their Magento 2 Google Address Autocomplete extensions might not work correctly anytime.
On the other hand, our Magento 2 Address Autocomplete Extension has no relation to the Google API or any third-party integrations. The store owner just needs to gather an accurate list of addresses (including Subdistrict, City, State/ Province and Zip/ Postal Code) in the store's targeted country/ countries and update it to the database - ONE time only when configuring the extension. We have already provided a sample file on the user guide. As a result, the stores don't need to apply complicated updates many times as well as can avoid any sudden "shutdown" time of the extension.
Address Accuracy
Although both of these Magento 2 address autocomplete plugins can provide you with a very high proportion of accuracy, our extension might surpass other Google API dependent modules in some cases.
In Google Address Autocomplete for Magento 2 extension, the buyers have to select an address among the suggested results when typing the Street Address. In many cases, they cannot find a proper address since it hasn't been updated in Google Places yet. Therefore, they must type their Street Address and all of the remaining fields (No more autocomplete and autofill).
Meanwhile, our Magento 2 Custom Address allows the shoppers to freely type their Street Address without the suggestion since this part often changes frequently and needs immensely detailed information from the buyers. After that, they need to enter just one of the remaining fields to enjoy the great autocomplete and autofill function. The remaining fields include Subdistrict, City, State/ Province and Zip/ Postal Code that hardly change over time, so there is no case that the customers can find their correct address.
Short-term & Long-term Cost
In the short term, the costs of acquiring our Magento Address Autocomplete Extension or other Magento 2 Google Address Autocomplete Modules don't have much difference, which is in the range of $50-100.
However, there is a big difference in the long term. On the one hand, you don't need to pay any more to make our Custom Address for Magento 2 run smoothly on your site and even get lifetime free updates. On the other hand, you might be charged by Google to possess a valid API key for your Google Address Autocomplete extension.
Would you like to pay one time only or time over time?
Full Features
Store Owners
- Move "Billing Address" from payment to shipping step at checkout
- Choose suggestion type (autocomplete or drop-down)
- Edit addresses in My Account with drop-down/ autocomplete
- Fill in less fields, check out faster
Need Customization?
As mentioned before, there are a number of countries dividing their areas into districts and subdistricts, but the exact names of their subdistricts might be different. For example, the subdistrict in India is called "Tehsil", but that of Thailand is "Tambon" and in Indonesia, it's under the name of "Kelurahan"... Therefore, if you want to customize the Subdistrict field (changing the name of the field), just tell us.
Besides, if you have any other customization requests for our Magento 2 Custom Address Extension, do not hesitate to contact us by sending it to our email: [email protected].
Version 1.2.0
Updated (Compatible with Magento 2.4.x)
Version 1.1.0
Updated (Compatible with Magento 2.3.x)
Version 1.0.0
Initial release