Confirm Payment
This add-on helps to integrate the Confirm Payment feature with your Magento Progressive Web App (PWA). It allows customers to upload confirmation documents as proof of payment for their bills. This enhancement proves especially valuable for cautious or detail-oriented customers and offers convenience to businesses when confirming offline payments.
Why Confirm Payment Integration
The Confirm Payment function addresses concerns about offline payment by enabling customers to submit confirmations for each order they make with some simple steps to fill in the payment notification form. This addition not only fosters assurance among customers but also helps e-commerce businesses confirm paid bills efficiently without the need for phone calls.
With customers:
This add-on simplifies the process of submitting payment confirmations for their orders. They can submit payment confirmation for each order. Once successfully submitted, the order status transitions to Payment Review, providing clarity and assurance regarding the payment process.
With admin:
This feature enables the admin to configure which payment methods are eligible for creating confirm payment requests, allowing for tailored control over this feature. Administrators can also readily accept or reject confirm payment submissions and customize email templates for confirm payment notifications.