Hands-on Tips To Skyrocket Ecommerce Conversion Rate

ecommerce conversion rate

For an online store owner, having a good ecommerce conversion rate is one of the indicators that their business is operating efficiently. Because of the market’s fierce competitiveness, companies always have to find ways to increase their conversion rate.

There are many methods to do so, but this article only discusses the most practical ones.

What Is A Good Ecommerce Conversion Rate?

Believe it or not, an average ecommerce conversion rate between 1% and 3% is considered vital. This is the figure a business enjoys when they thrive to improve their service. These are general industry insights and may vary greatly depending on your industry.

Businesses that achieve between 3% and 5% are usually those with a strong brand presence and a loyal customer base.

eCommerce conversion optimization

Improve Your Business’s Ecommerce Conversion Rate With These 6 Tips

1. Invest in High-Quality Visuals and Copy

Persuasive design

Making a great first impression with visuals is one of the essential steps for online businesses.

If your website isn’t designed to keep your visitors on the page and drive their transactions forward, none of the other strategies we’re going to discuss will have much impact.

This means your website must be:

  • Visually appealing
  • Visually persuasive

The “appealing” part is pretty simple. The elements on your website should be logically organized and with suitable styles to impress customers.

Visual persuasion, on the other hand, is more subtle. Essentially, the goal is to draw the visitor’s eye to a specific part of the page to get them closer to converting. Typically, a visitor’s attention is drawn almost immediately to the following elements – in this order:

  • Main image
  • Inlaid text
  • Call-to-action button

While this homepage offers many clickable options, it’s clear what you want new visitors to do from the start. It’s a convincing design.

Persuasive copy/content

The goal of compelling copies is to keep your visitors engaged and drive them forward with transactions. You can do this by improving categories and/or product descriptions to give customers a ‘push’ to purchase.

The “persuasive content” here is about making sure your brand’s “voice” runs through every word on your website.

ecommerce conversion rate benchmarks

2. Make navigation easy

The second solution to improving your ecommerce conversion rate is creating a seamless user experience through top-notch website navigation and design.

With intuitive product organization and a clean and straightforward design, your online store visitors should be able to find what they’re looking for quickly and easily.

An effective way to see whether the navigation is user-friendly is to have some of your prospective customers or family and friends test it out. Learn from their feedback. Afterward, you should be able to conclude the navigation design.

3. Have a mobile-responsive website

Mobile responsiveness is an e-commerce conversion trick you need to implement right away to increase your online store conversion rate.

Many websites have great designs on computers but turn into a mess when presented on mobile. This is a severe issue, but if you consider a mobile-friendly website from the first stage, you can turn it into your strength.

Ensure your web is responsive and is nicely presented on multiple devices. Don’t think of this as extra work, consider it your secret weapon to encourage customers to buy from your e-store.

ecommerce conversion rate by industry

4. Personalize the experience

Two overarching ways could be applied to personalize visitor experience:

  • Deliver dynamic content
  • Provide personal suggestions

Essentially, dynamic content creation and delivery tools allow you to provide visitors with tailored content, offers, and product recommendations based on factors such as visitor demographics, geography, local behavior, and brand history.

Consider the “types” of consumers you typically attract when giving your visitors avenues to choose from. Essentially, you point them to a “collection” of products related to each other – but not necessarily in the same product category.

5. Provide convenient use

Make your web with these good features: 

Enable shopping via social media platforms

social media shopping

More and more e-commerce businesses are turning to these channels to sell their products directly to their followers. It’s not an innovative approach, but an effective one that prioritizes shopping convenience.

Simplify your checkout process

A good starting point is to reduce the number of steps to complete a purchase. Delete unnecessary fields and allow the auto-fill feature.

Not only that, offer customers a guest checkout choice. You can still gather customer data when they fill out delivery information without annoying them. 24% of cart abandonment results from customers’ not wanting to create an account.

Provide Multiple Payment and Delivery Options

Customers will give you a plus point when offered various payment and delivery choices. You should have about 3-4 payment options and at least 2 ways a customer can receive their orders – pick up at store and delivery.

6. Offer excellent support 

Building relationships not only help build trust but can be a turning point for customers to convert. A live chat button should be on every page of your e-commerce store.

Customers can quickly and easily ask questions and get the answers they need from your team. It removes unnecessary frictions and makes people feel cared for, making them more likely to convert.

Sum Up

You’ve seen how an e-commerce website plays a vital role in boosting your conversion rate, as most of the tips above are relevant to it. While the tips seem simple, not every business can nail it on the first try. There’s no shortcut and no one-size-fits-all approach so that you may regard these tips and make suitable adjustments.

To get an efficient website to optimize your conversion rate, it’s best to turn to professionals like Tigren. We have helped hundreds of e-businesses successfully build their stores and grow remarkably. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].

online store web development

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