Along with technology development, website building technique is growing day by day. As a result of a continuously researching process, better versions are being released more and more yearly. Web application development is one of the prime examples.
This app’s looks and features are similar to a native app. However, it can still be accessed in the browser as a website.
So what is a web app and should you build it too? Scroll down to find out!
What Is Web Application Development?
The web app is an application built from web development technology. It is written in common web programming languages like HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript.
Users can still use their browser to access these web apps as usual. In addition, like a website, a web application also has a front-end and a back-end to display and store data. Web app development is the process of building and designing to create it.
Benefits Of Web Application Development
This is one of the biggest strengths of web apps over native apps. It is capable of providing a consistent experience across multiple platforms.
Its principle is quite simple. Since this type of app has a web technology codebase, it can be used on all current operating systems such as iOS, Windows, and Android.
Convenient update
Upgrade issues are a headache issue for many businesses and customers. Although updates are essential to ensure the quality of the application, it consumes the developers a lot of time and effort. On the other hand, it also takes the customer’s time.
The web app’s update development process is uncomplicated as it uses a web programming language for development. In addition, it only needs to be updated once to be used on all platforms.
No need to download
The installation process is often lazy for customers, especially those approaching the business for the first time. They do not know clearly about the brand and application’s quality, reputation, and effects.
In addition, the fact that the application often takes up a certain amount of data usage also makes customers hesitate to download it.
While a web app looks and functions like a regular app, it needs to be accessed via web browsers. Therefore, users are not required to install the application on their devices.
Web Apps Vs Regular Websites
Both web apps and regular websites operate on web browsers (available on both desktop & mobile). They are also built using typical web technologies, but the nature & purpose are different.
The interface and interaction
The user interface is one of the biggest influences on customer experience and purchasing decisions. A beautiful, streamlined, easy-to-see, and consistent interface will make customers feel more engaging.
The web app is considered an upgraded version of the standard website. While it still needs to be accessed through a web browser, its interfaces are all built to optimize the user experience and resemble a regular app as much as possible.

In particular, the web app includes many interactive elements, allowing users to interact more, such as Google Docs, Google Sheet, and Google Slides.
Regarding websites, it is usually one-way informational feeds with static content. In other words, there is very little interaction from the users’ side.
For example, news website users usually have only view & read functions. For the sales website, there are no other activities besides see & buy.
The architecture
In essence, a web app is an app software running on the webserver. This helps the web app to have a beautiful interface and outstanding features. But for that reason, web apps often have great complexity compared to websites. This entails time and cost construction will be larger.
Building a website will usually take less time because it is much simpler. It will have less functionality and less interoperability.
However, it displays the collected data and information in a collection of related web pages so what will appear on the site will still meet your standards.
Besides, developers can design responsive web apps and websites to display better on different screens. In particular, responsive web apps displayed on mobile are pretty similar to native apps.
Web Apps Vs Progressive Web Apps
A Progressive Web App (PWA) is also a web app but is more advanced. It can overcome the inherent weaknesses of web apps. In addition, PWA is also combined with many progressive enhancements, so it will have more features and advantages than the web app.

Multi-platform available
Both web apps and progressive web apps have a web core, so they are cross-platform capable. This means everyone who uses these two technologies has a consistent experience across all operating systems (iOS, Android, Windows) and devices.
Specifically, both web app and PWA can run perfectly on a desktop web browser used as a normal web. It can also be used on mobile browsers with an app-like interface.
However, the web app relies heavily on the browser it is built on. This application cannot work on websites that it has not been programmed before. On the other hand, a PWA is both cross-platform and cross-browser capable.
Customer experience
Web apps and PWAs are both capable of providing a good user experience. These two types of applications both have a good speed and native appearance.
PWA is considered the website version with the best customer experience. This application has high speed and an optimal page loading process. This process ensures the content customers need, such as photos and content, will appear first.
In addition, PWA also removes redundant elements in the application interface like the browser bar to make a clean appearance. It also allows users to install applications to the home screen with a few simple steps. As a result, if you compare the similarity between the native app of PWA and the web app, the PWA will definitely win.
These factors ensure PWA users have a better customer experience with an app-like look and feel.
App functions
Web app and PWA both have superior features compared to a regular website, but undeniably the features of PWA are still much better.
First, it is impossible not to mention the push notification function of the PWA. It can send notifications to customers’ phones just like a native app.
Next is offline mode. This function helps PWA remain available even when the user loses network connection. However, pages customers try to access must have been loaded before. Unlike a PWA, a web app requires a stable connection.
Because of the app function, customer experience, and multi-platform factors, PWA development will be suitable for much more types of websites than web apps. Besides apps that need a lot of interaction like web apps, even regular websites are beneficial with superior speed and customer experience after transforming to PWA.
Especially, PWA can play both roles for businesses with only a web but no app. It can even be submitted to the app store as a native app.
Read More: PWA Vs Web App Detailed Comparison: Which One Should You Choose?
Web Apps Vs Native Apps
The web app has similar interfaces and features as the native app, but it can only be used in the browser. Because of that, the experience won’t be as smooth as the native app. However, it can bring a lot more traffic to the website, so many enterprises still choose to develop it.

Submission on app stores
This is a benefit but also a headache for native apps. You must submit them on the app market like Appstore, CH Play, etc. Although thanks to this, your app may attract customers from these app providers, you will incur high monthly and yearly submission fees.
For web apps, it’s available through browsers, so there’s no additional cost.
Customer reaching
The web app is considered a plus when Google evaluates search ranking criteria. This is quite understandable when web apps have much better speed and features than regular sites.
Therefore, the web app can quickly build an excellent online presence, it can reach millions of people through search engines. In addition, since it is a website, the web app still has its URL. Marketing campaigns can use this link to advertise on social networks.
For native apps, it can only reach customers through the app marketplace. Its ability to reach customers is not high.
Phone function connecting ability
The native app’s functions are the best of all app types because this app is written in the OS’s programming language.
It can connect with all phone functions like camera, contacts, notes, etc. Therefore, it is beneficial in stimulating purchases, taking care of customers, and organizing online events.
Should You Build A Web App?
Web apps, PWAs, and native apps all have their own strengths and weaknesses, nothing is perfect.
Therefore, you need to base on your goals and customers to choose the right application. You can choose web application development if your customers tend to shop through the browser.
On the contrary, if you have a large amount of time and finances, you can constantly remind customers about your store with push notifications. Then PWA and native app are better options.
In addition, to save money, you can also start from a web app first to test customer reactions to the native app interface. And design a streamlined application after that.
Bottom Line
The web app is a high-performance web building technology. It has the potential to bring significant profits to its owners. However, it cannot be denied that it still has many limitations that are difficult to overcome. You should consider the actual state of your business to decide whether to build only web apps or build multiple apps simultaneously.
Above is all information about web application development. We hope it helps you. Thanks for reading!