By displaying eye-catching banners in proper positions on your Magento store, you can easily draw the buyers’ attention to your featured products, hot collections, or promotional campaigns. Unfortunately, Magento doesn’t support us to create the banner slider on the homepage from the backend. Therefore, your site will need a Magento 2 banner slider extension to easily create, change and manage different banners on the admin panel. In this tutorial, we will use this Banner Slider Extension for Magento 2, one of the most powerful and comprehensive tools for banner management now.
To begin with, you must download the extension here and then follow our guide to install and configure it accurately.
M2 Banner Slider Extension: Installation
After downloading the plugin from the Tigren store, you must unpack the zip file and upload all the components to the root directory of your Magento store.
Then, launch your SSH terminal and execute the following commands in turn:
php bin/magento module:enable Tigren_Core php bin/magento module:enable Tigren_Bannermanager php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento cache:flush
M2 Banner Slider Extension: Configuration
Step 1: Upload the banners in the slider (block)
Go to your Admin panel, navigate to BANNER MANAGER, and select Banners.
(Admin Panel => BANNER MANAGER => Banners)

Then, click on the Add New Banner button in the upper-right corner of the Banners page.

In the New Banner page, click on the Banner Information tab and enter all required fields:
– Set Banner Title in short.
– Add Description for the banner (optional).
– Upload the Image (banner) from your computer.
– Add the URL of the destination page shown when the customer clicks on the banner (optional).
– Choose Target of the destination page: Open in the same/ new window.
– Set start and end times for displaying the banner by picking specific dates from the calendar (optional).
– Activate the banner by setting Is Active to Yes.
– Set the order of the banner on the slider (e.g.: 0, 1, 2, 3,…)
– Click on the Save Banner button to complete banner settings.

Continue uploading more banners on the slider if you want.
Step 2: Create a slider (block) containing the uploaded banners
Navigate to BANNER MANAGER and select Blocks.
(Admin Panel => BANNER MANAGER => Blocks)

Then, click on the Add New Block button in the upper-right corner of the Blocks page.

In the New Block page, click on the Block Information tab and enter all required fields:
– Set Block Title in short.
– Select the Customer Groups who can view the image slider.
– Choose Block Position as Homepage-Content-Top
(This Banner Slider extension offers multiple positions to display the banners. Hence, you will be able to not only add banner slider in Magento 2 homepage but also other pages in your store)
– Set start and end times for displaying the banner slider by picking specific dates from the calendar (optional)
– Set the Display Type of the banner to Slider.
– Activate the block by setting Is Active to Yes.
– Set the order of the block (e.g.: 0, 1, 2, 3,…). When you create multiple blocks in the same position, only the one with the highest priority will be shown.

Now, switch to the Select Banner tab to select the banners (images) that belong to this slider (block).

– Select the banners by marking the checkbox.
– Click on the Save Block button to complete block settings.
We have shown you some simple steps to add the banner slider to your Magento 2 store by using the Magento 2 Banner Manager extension. If you have any problems when following our instructions, be free to leave a comment so that we can help! Also, you can check out Adobe’s tools for making banners online.
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